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Wollastonite powder grinding machinery, grinder mill

Wollastonite powder grinded by stone mill not only has potentiation, also has excellent heat resistance, weather resistance, and chemical stability. At the same time, environmental non-toxic wollastonitepowder is also an ideal toughened and strengthened material. Wollastonite powder can be thermal insulation building material and other support material replacing asbestos product, also can be used in many ways for some alternatives to conventional ore.

China as the fastest-growing States on powder grinding machinery industry, Wollastonite manufacture enterprises should continuously improve their technical level, increase the added value of products, to better promote wollastonite powder industry develop healthily. According to the different fineness and yield, the most common wollastonite powder grinding machinery is high pressure suspension grinding mill, three-ring&four-ring medium speed micro-powder grinder mill, and coarse powder grinding mill.

Shanghai Clirik Machinery Company is a large leading manufacturer for powder grinding machinery. Clirik is specializing in making a variety of non-metallic materials processing grinder mill, wollastonitepowder grinding machinery. Clirik powder grinding machinery, grinder mill is also widely used in ceramic industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, paper-making, plastics, paint, and other areas. Clirik ore powder grinding machinery, grinder mill applies to processing wollastonite, limestone, calcite etc. which under 7 level Moh’s hardness, expanding the fields of application of desulphurization equipments. Especially Clirik ourselves R&D micro powder grinding mill, can process 3,000meshs superfine stone powder.

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